Xinhua Has Truly Outdone Itself With Latest Slideshow Featuring A Baby’s Dick In A Cup [UPDATE]

Who doesn’t love a good photo-bombing baby, right? Or for that matter, just a photo of a baby — totally awesome, yeah? And while we’re at it, who doesn’t also love a picture of a baby’s penis, amirite? Guys, you with me?

I’m not sure what the journalistic policy is on posting pictures of nude toddlers… at what age is it child porn? Serious question. I mean, it’s obviously fine if it’s a baby, but what if the child is, say, 11? You’re OK with 11? How about 13? How about this one? These are the sort of thought-provoking questions we can thank Xinhua for inspiring.

If you’d like to see the uncensored nude pics (yes, multiple), head on over at Xinhua, bastion of journalism, lover of porn, hater of gays, women, common sense.

UPDATE, 11/20, 1:46 am: Xinhua is recycling its own slideshows. Here’s “Funny pictures of babies,” published yesterday morning, featuring some of the pictures you see above.

(H/T Alicia)

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