This raises a very, very important question: does poop really belong in the “recyclable” side of the trash bin? Biodegradable isn’t the same as recyclable, is it?
At least he’s not doing it inside a subway carriage.
(Sina Weibo user @粤语最盏鬼, h/t Will Crook)
UPDATE, 7:28 pm: Mr. Crook sends this along: it appears that Guangzhou Metro has posted on its official Sina Weibo account the locations of bathrooms throughout the subway network. “Hurry and pass this to your nearby friends,” it writes.
It manages to avoid all mentions of what’s happening in the picture above. Well played, Guangzhou Metro.

Why… why do this over going to a bathroom? Surely a subway station would have the necessary facilities.
Now now, you can’t assume.
And if we trace these stories http://beijingcream.com/poop — first, a kid does it inside a moving train; next, a toddler poops onto a newspaper (hmm, better)… now, trash can! Progress.
Actually… no, there are no public toilets in GZ subway stations. Nor in Hong Kong. Pretty sure other China big cities also don’t have.
The Beijing subway has them.
Shanghai too, it’s much better here than say London, but that’s one of the joys of it being 5, rather than 150 years old!
Tianjin’s subway has them.
I’m truly surprised that Guangzhou’s subway system doesn’t have toilets.
The Ma On Shan line of the Hong Kong MTR does have toilets, I’ve used them.
Actually most subway stations have toilets, maybe not many toilets but they do exist.. in all cities.
Maybe you haven’t been to any subway so far, and thus have no clue to what you’re talking about. “Chinese Netizen” — yeah, right..
I love how there’s a dude shitting in the trash can, and the security guard is more worried about someone taking pictures. So China…
“Hey man! The guy’s taking a crap here! A little privacy wouldn’t hurt!” HAHAHA!
This is China! Nuff said…
Aw it’s really cute the Guangzhou subway responded by telling us where the bathrooms are. Personally, I think the bathrooms are one of the best things about the Beijing subway. Stinky but so very convenient.