The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

March 3 – March 16

As Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 continues to go missing, a banner went up over a Beijing mall counting the hours since its disappearance. I participated in the That’s Shanghai Erotic Fiction competition, and Jacob Dreyer recapped the event. The Beijing Ducks are returning to the CBA finals! (Here’s Nick Bedard’s Game 4 vs. Guangdong live-blog.)

RFH and Alec Ash preview the Bookworm and Capital M literary festivals in Beijing. Poetry Night in Beijing has already happened (meet the readers), but this coming Tuesday is our Blogging China event.

Beige Wind wrote an excellent piece about the how the Kunming terrorist attack has affected Uyghurs in Xinjiang. This may, unfortunately, be Austin Dean’s final post for us due to his commitments as a Fulbright scholar.

Comment of the Week:

MrC, on Grace Liu in “Get In My Car,” featuring an airplane scene:

Ohhhh thats what happened to MH370!

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