February 27 – March 4
The more substantive posts on BJC now have their own category, Creme de la Creme, which appears along the top menu. Quality work deserves to be highlighted, such as BJC Senior Editor RFH’s hilarious riff on McDonald’s latest concoction, the “mash burger,” and Guy Templeton’s art review of He Sen’s solo exhibition at Today Art Museum.
Here is your excerpt in panda erotic fiction, about which nothing more will be said:
Suddenly he recognizes three distinct smells: the savory sweetness of bamboo, the smoky wisp of incense, and the faint ambrosia of sweat. Each creates unique sensations that make him twitch, but together, the effect is devastating, hollowing out his insides to unveil an outcrop of hankering.
We had some fun with Dashan, eliciting someone to comment: “One day they will build his statue, high and gold in important place in big city in China.” High and gold, you say? That asshole Drake submitted his first column, in which he hit on an Argentinean and ran away from a cab driver. Conan called out Da Peng, and Da Peng responded in kind. Jeremy Lin got sexually defiled; did you know he shares a character in his Chinese name with rising star Chris Tang?
Wang Shu became the first Chinese to win the Pritzker Prize, China Daily wrote a cover story on art schools after Lola did the same, and a commenter named Scott posted about a dozen times on BJC. We salute you, good man.
Here are some illustrations of Red Guards doing naughty things.
As of this writing, China Daily is still not following @beijingcream, though it is following @DickAmateur and @TPO_Hisself. Meanwhile, Global Times follows BBC News (World).