The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

October 1 – October 7

Here’s your first — but probably not last — look at the 10th annual Guangzhou Sex Culture Festival. Roger Federer received an anonymous death threat from a Chinese blogger, including a graphic image of his head chopped off. And the Streisand effect, as “name” comments, was in full swing when Cathay Pacific tried to censor an NMA video about business-class travelers wanking in-flight.

The Good Doctor reviewed the Caochangdi branch of Beijing Design Week. Traffic jams should all be set to foreboding music, and here’s a sweet public moment: gay wedding in Fujian draws crowd, cheers. Sacha Baron Cohen is making a movie based off Hong Kong tycoon Cecil Chao and his daughter Gigi.

A teacher threw a four-year-old girl on the ground, nearly killing her. A whistleblower died under suspicious circumstances in Hunan province. And the guy who brutally assaulted a Toyota Corolla driver during anti-Japan protests has been arrested.

Golden Week had an unfortunate share of tragic stories. On a highway between Beijing and Tianjin, a passenger coach rear-ended a transport truck and caught on fire, killing five German tourists and one Chinese person. In Hong Kong, a ferry crash resulted in 38 dead. A landslide in Yunnan province killed 19, including 18 primary school students.

Here’s the ultimate Wudisciple at Shaolin Temple. Tigers are pretty good at tug-of-war. The Great Wall is an awful tourist destination, sometimes. Oh by the way, China has a lot of people.

Comment of the Week:

Ria, on the Guangzhou Sex Culture Festival:

Nothing for the straight women?

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