The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

March 11 – March 17

Shanghai pigs — about gazillion of them — were found dead in Huangpu River, as first blogged by Johan U. Kevin Reitz reviewed the Beijinger’s 10th Annual Reader Restaurant Awards ceremony. And we have some ideas for names for China’s newly merged propaganda deparments.

The Duggar family visited China, as Pete DeMola informed. A man was found dead from very suspicious circumstances in Jiangsu, but declared a suicide. Skype doesn’t offer privacy, but that doesn’t mean Chinese hackers are involved. Matt Sheehan wrote about panda poo tea: very expensive and, um, panda poop.

List of porn search terms in China show this country really has no creativity. Dads probably shouldn’t twirl their babies like this, even if it is safe. Johan U also wrote about and Chinese gangs stealing shit on international flights. A Guangzhou subway attendant helped resusciate, with CPR, an American man who passed out.

Locals dumped water on rowdy expats in Shanghai’s Yongkang Road. Xiao Yi wrote about how some Chinese approached Arbor Day. A Sky correspondent was detained for filming on Tiananmen Square, but it might have been his fault. Sarah Hansen wrote about what China might do with Android’s market share.

Laowai Comics has returned. Here’s Morgan Short on the seminal Wuhan punk band SMZB. Giant panda’s O-face? You got it. Bikini babes.

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