May 20 – May 26
We reviewed Tom Carter’s Unsavory Elements, which you should go buy. A foreigner lost his mind at a bus driver in Chengu. Stop everything and watch this scooterist right now.
Ai Weiwei released a music video, but not everyone was impressed. Joe Biden said some very political things about China at a UPenn commencement speech.
Here’s an impressive heat map (Geography of Hate) and relative geographic frequency of tweeted epithets, including “chink.” A woman who was mortally wounded in an elevator — the video is here. People’s Daily wrote something ridiculous again.
Another pooper was caught on camera in Shenzhen. A Chinese boss called for helicopter delivery of food to the golf course where he was playing. Global Times mistakes DeviantArt illustration with reality: a futuristic new Japanese helicopter. Punishment finally came down for those Shanghai public urinators; netizens aren’t happy.
And please check out C4, CRI’s show, and let us know what you think.
Comment of the Week:
Sarah, with a bit of language help for that raving foreigner on a Chengdu bus:
Yep. Serbo-Croat. “U Picku Materinu” – “go back to the pussy of your mother”. Nice
Honorable mention:
michael, on Drake’s post on the Mr. Sex category in our Bar and Club Awards:
Plus, convenient jianbing stalls for your cab ride home before the fun gets started
How puzzling it must be for you to wake up, hungover, and find your jianbing floating in the toilet looking precisely as it did the first time around.