The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

July 1 – July 7

A woman jumped in front of a subway train in Beijing but survived — to her dismay. Li Tianyi’s gang rape charge was called “taking turns having sex.” Here’s a picture of a gruesome traffic jam in Beijing.

A flight from Shanghai via Seoul crash landed in San Francisco, killing two Chinese students, prompting the Chicago Sun-Times to run this headline. There were, as expected, big protests on July 1 in Hong Kong, which China Daily and SCMP chose to report in very different ways.

A gaokao essay that earned 0 points was actually very good. Google Canada really doesnt’t like China. Porn was publicly broadcast on a big LED screen (again).

Ping Fu almost apologies (again) for her memoir, writes Alicia. A Chinese government official was apparently willing to do a terrible thing on behalf of his son. And here are tourists caught on camera peeing on a wall in the Summer Palace.

Comment of the Week:

brackishwater, who has the right idea:

This post is funny and deserves a comment. So here it is.

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