The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

December 30, 2013 – January 12, 2014

Check out Chen Guangbiao’s business card. The Guardian might have been blocked in China. Dennis Rodman’s NBA team lost to the North Korean team, the Torch.

The old Tibetan town of Dukezong in Shangri-la caught on fire. Lots of Western correspondents are getting visas – but not Austin Ramzy. Here’s a really fake street in Wuxi, as Bernd Chang reports.

New BJC editor Patrick Lozada’s debut piece is on La Pizza almost killing a diner. A Chinese man flying an air balloon toward the Diaoyu Islands cost control and had to be rescued by the enemy. People are taking pictures of Xi Jinping’s box meal at Qing-Feng. People’s Daily fell for satire again.

Two really good Dispatches on Xinjiang featuring movies, if you missed it: “Battle” and “Karamay.” Breathtaking pictures of Shanghai. Have we all said hello to Hairong Ma?

Comments of the Week: 

On the Chen Guangbiao post:

Maggie Rauch: I thought “Most Well-Known and Beloved Role Model” was the underage xiaosan reference.

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