The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

January 21 – January 27

Tracy McGrady was involved in a CBA game featuring the worst refereeing ever this week. Tibetan scholar William McGrath wrote about the tragedy of the Cultural Revolution in Tibet. An 87-year-old man fell and couldn’t get up, but people were reluctant to help.

A man bit a zoo ostrich to death. Baidu reminds that that everyone loves American cocksucking sluts. Conan O’Brien and Andy were asked to dub over a Chinese soap opera (what could possibly go wrong?). Two fun videos: MythBusters plays with a Chinese popcorn maker, and Furious Pete in Beijing.

GitHub was temporarily blocked on Monday, as John Artman writes. James Tiscione wrote about a musical benefit concert and Han Han’s recommendation of Omnipotent Youth Society. Sylvia Wang’s two pieces about Hong Kong — mainland shoppers buying milk in bulk quantities and a new theater called “Xiqu Center” — both attracted healthy comment threads. And here’s a math question for you (with solution in the comments).

China published a Gini coefficient on wealth disparity for the first time in more than a decade, and of course it was unreliable. Former softcore porn star Diana Pang is entering Chinese politics. Migrant workers held Chinese and Japanese managers of a company hostage for nearly two days. This is a perfect cut of aesthetic hell.

North Korea publicly rebuked China for Kim Jong-un plastic surgery rumors. Two RK Smith pieces: Shenzhen is civilized, and is enacting a law to prove it; and China’s soft generation. Mark R has a handy glossary for China-related animal metaphors. Watch Li Na vs. Victoria Azarenka in the finals of the Australian Open in its entirety.

Comment of the Week:

Chackie Jan, on giant pollution domes over a Beijing international school:

Or, you can just hook up your child to a life simulator. That way he/she doesn’t even have to be exposed to actual life, which is very deadly. Scientists claim a 0% survival rate, something that most parents seem to take into consideration these days.

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