The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

October 8 – October 14

Mo Yan became the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday, and people had reactions. A day later, Mo said he hoped fellow Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo “can achieve his freedom as soon as possible.” Earlier in the week, blowhard Sima Nan had a shoe thrown at him by a student at Hainan University.

A Chinese executive replaced damaged Japanese cars with Chinese cars in a wild publicity stunt with bad actors. A man bit another’s face in Foshan, and a bloody subway fight in Guangzhou resulted in biting as well. Here’s a video of a deadly liquefied petroleum truck explosion.

We compiled videos of traffic accidents during Golden Week, as well as videos of pole dancing from the Guangzhou Sex Culture Festival. We got a contribution from a military analyst about China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning. The New York Times reported very delightfully about Bo Xilai and his first wife, Li Danyu. Meanwhile, the Obama campaign has politicized Huawei.

A truck driver intentionally ran over a traffic cop at a toll stop. Thousands in Anhui province came together for a greeting party to beat up a murderer. Villagers in a Zhejiang province town have confused sewage for holy water. And one set of parents in Hong Kong has sued an education consultancy company for their sons failing to get into Harvard.

Here’s everything you need to know about Gangnam Style in China, a song that one Chinese columnist finds “vulgar.” Allen Iverson and Jason Williams did some funny things to Beijing Ducks players in their exhibition on Saturday. And the world is definitely a better place thanks to this image from the Mr. Hong Kong Nepal Bodybuilding Championship.

Comment of the Week:

Lots of candidates this week, but the winner goes to josephine, whose comment refers to us calling RFH “handsome” in this post about the Guangzhou Sex Culture Festival.

Is he handsome? Where’s the proof

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