The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

June 11 – June 17

We were the first English-language China blog to write about the story of the 27-year-old in Shaanxi who was forced to abort at seven months. It broke on the same day that RFH took the opportunity to joke about the gaokao: real questions were uncovered, and they were ridiculous. Also, Louis CK has left the building. Here’s our review by RFH.

Chengguan have had a bad week. Kids went “clockwork orange” on them, as Jeremiah Jenne tweeted on Twitter, referring to this story about a chengguan being overwhelmed by a mob of middle school students. That same day, we wrote about poor Josh Garcia, chengguan tool. And here’s a chengguan truck on fire. If only chengguan were caught on tape doing what this foreigner in Chengdu did — directing traffic to let an ambulance through — maybe their reputation would improve. By the way, where were the chengguan when someone from the US embassy got assaulted outside Elements nightclub in Beijing?

Our post about the London’s Olympics opening ceremony drew… interesting responses. A llama in Tianjin is the new Paul the Octopus, able to predict soccer matches. Guangdong’s Euro 2012 bikini girls were a hit for a while, until producers decided to cover them with t-shirts. Here’s latest edition of panda erotic fiction.

Just as we were talking about men rescuing toddlers from balconies, a three-year-old in Shenzhen died after falling from her fourth-story balcony. And here’s a deputy police chief in Yunnan possibly intentionally wrecking someone. Tom Grundy of Hong Wrong, which we’ve linked to in our East is Read column, tried to arrest Tony Blair in Hong Kong. And The Good Doctor reviewed The Medullary Paralysis show in Beijing — stolen, one might say, by its as-yet-unidentified opening act.

The weather’s been somewhere between very good and spectacular this week in Beijing. Go outside and enjoy yourself. We’ll still be here when you come back.

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