The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

June 4 – June 10

The Shanghai Stock Exchange on June 4 was spitting out eye-catching numbers, as RFH pointed out. He also wrote about a London Olympics “village” inside Beijing’s Water Cube. Meanwhile, The Good Doctor wrote about Beijing’s growing graffiti scene.

The Huffington Post, Business Insider and Bloomberg TV did shitty journalism this week. RFH wrote about Eva Cohen’s fishy guest post over at Foreign Policy (the picture gave us the opportunity to quote Shaft). We ranted about Chinese officials telling the US to stop monitoring Beijing’s air, and this China Daily story that glorifies a Sanlitun cop for all the wrong reasons.

A bus driver in Hangzhou who was fatally wounded by debris but continued to do his job has been declared a hero. Bizarrely, a bus in Beijing did unspeakable things to a police car, leaving one dead. The activist Li Wangwang was found dead in a hospital room, and his friends and family think foul play was involved (authorities say it was suicide).

The dramatic rescue of a toddler dangling from a fourth-story balcony found its way onto several traditional media outlets: the websites of the San Francisco Chronicle, NY Daily News, and Albany Times Union (and sourced on the Guardian). Within the same week, another toddler got his head stuck between the railings on the fourth floor of an apartment. Our tractor thingymajig post was linked on Jalopnik.

Quick-hit videos: a horse kicking a Ferrari, Asia’s largest indoor stadium being demolished, and a dog nursing three kittens. Finally, we’d like to remind you that boys’ urine should probably not be used for pharmaceutical purposes, though some would disagree.

Louis CK performed in Beijing tonight. Sorry if you missed out on tickets — we gave you a one- or two-hour window to buy. Predictably, they sold out fast. If you were at the show, I’d love to hear about how it was — drop me a note at Thank you for reading.

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