The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

August 13 – August 19

RFH’s piece on Chris Devonshire-Ellis is this site’s most-commented so far. Go read it if you haven’t yet, but please keep the comments civil. Zhou Kehua, who we liken to American gangster John Dillinger, was shot dead on Tuesday morning after a citywide manhunt in Chongqing. “My family runs the Public Security Bureau” may well be the new “My Dad is Li Gang,” after the son of the deputy political commissar of the Jiangsu Province Public Security Bureau was caught on camera knifing a woman.

The Olympics are over — here’s our selection of the Top 10 China-related moments and storylines from the London Games. A foreigner allegedly slapped and spat on a woman in a traffic dispute in Henan recently, nearly inciting a riot. And what are Chinese orgies actually like? We asked someone who’s attended one.

A haunting suicide was caught on tape as a 20-something-year-old man jumped from a building, ignoring his girlfriend’s pleas. A vengeful eagle has persistently, amusingly terrorizing two men who kidnapped and ate her child. Another hostage-taker with a knife was shot down.

A woman with only one smile was crowned Miss World on Saturday, and she’s Chinese. Xinhua announced the date of the 10th annual Guangzhou Sex Culture Festival. This “four-year-old” Asian on the piano is amazing and incredible.

Here are highlights of WWE Smackdown’s house show in Shanghai, a dog caused a three-car accident (with fire), and firefighters got called in to dislodge a kid’s head from a concrete balustrade. Finally: Pyongyang Style remains the best Gangnam Style parody yet.

Comment of the Week: E, on the Devonshire-Ellis post:

After reading the article and all the comments I merely offer the words of the bard:

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,”

China is without a doubt a grand stage — may we all play our parts well.

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